
Here is a short list with interesting books about the battle of thew Ardennes, especially about this area:

Bob Kauffman Grandmenil veteranThe Replacement – Robert F. Kauffman
3rd Armored division veteran Bob Kauffman visited us many times and we became great friends..
In 2009 he published his memoires.
His book tells the horrible experiences Bob encountered, from the beaches of Normandy to the hamlet of Montleban, where he got injured, wich ended his career as a soldier.

Bob was a remarkable man, with great sense of humor. Althought he passed the age of 85 years old, his memory is very vivid.
To our great sadness, Bob passed away in june 2013.

You can order his extraordinary book  HERE.


La Bataille des Carrefours Eddy Monfort
La Bataille des Carrefours – Eddy Monfort
This book of researcher Eddy Monfort is one of the most complete and detailed books about the battle of the bulge in this area. It took Eddy a couple of years to write this big piece of historical work.

It gives a perfect view of what happend in the Baraque de Fraiture – Grandmenil area during the last two weeks of december 1944.
Eddy Monfort is working on his next book, wich tells the story of the battles around the Regné Couril area, with a special attention for the 83rd Infantry Division.

You can order the book via Eddy Monfort:



the unknown dead peter schrijversThe Unknown Dead – Peter Schrijvers
Researcher Peter Schrijvers wrote this terrifying book.
He managed to write down all the memorys of the civillins, during the battle of the bulge.
It gives a clear view of the families experiencing the horrors of war.

It’s not just the numbers of civilians who got killed or wounded, it’s the strength and the resilience of the people who suffer another war and who try to survive it.

You can order the book HERE.



The Hotton RThe Hotton report Robert McDonaldeport – Robert McDonald
Aim Straight and Stay Low!

Was the father of Robert McDonald, Mike, a true hero during the Battle of Hotton?
Robert McDonald researched the events. He takes you to the town and streets of Hotton, during the battle of the bulge. We’re not only meeting the fellow soldiers of Mike, McDonald is telling in very specifik details of what happend. Hill La Roumiere is also mentioned in this book.
Roberts conclusion is clear: his fahter did what he had to do: Hold Hotton at all cost!
An absolute great and detailled book!

You can order his book HERE.


Company L, 289th Infantry in Combat.
This is a very rare book and hard to get.
It was a gifr from Nick T, one of my fellow searchers.
Company L fought in Grandmenil. In this small book, you cna read their experiences in Grandmenil and the battles that followed.

The nice thing about the book is, that it contains original pictures of the L company members.